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Quite a realistic chapter, though I feel some cultural aspects are lost on some readers. B...

anonienonie February 25, 2021 4:48 pm

Quite a realistic chapter, though I feel some cultural aspects are lost on some readers. Business cards in Japan are a huge fucking deal. It signifies the start of a (obvs usually business) relationship, but more than that, interest. Being careful with it and taking it home has implications, which is why I understand Kotaro's displeasure/jealousy. Also, openly hitting on a woman in public in Japan is out of the norm, which ruffles Kotaro's feathers. Even moreso with the implication that he might steal Asako away if Kotaro doesn't keep an eye on her. Asako is an adult and can technically can protect herself, yes. But bearing in mind her inexperience in love, this serves as a lesson to be more wary of men with questionable intentions.

    rbiv February 25, 2021 7:52 pm

    Careful not to drop your crown after dropping this holy comment

    Crazyanimegirl246 February 25, 2021 8:09 pm
    Careful not to drop your crown after dropping this holy comment rbiv
