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Yawen February 24, 2021 4:19 pm

it's been so long since it updated, i don't even remember what happened someone fill me in pls

    Nyx February 24, 2021 5:21 pm

    Lotus pier was attacked by the Wen’s when Jiang cheng’s father was away. Madame Yu gave zidan(sp?) to jiang cheng and him and wei wuxian where put on a boat and escapes. The father finds them and goes back to lotus pier as fast as he can but it seems like they all died. Only Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are shown to be alive at this point, but i think Jiang Yanli was with the Jin’s

    Yawen February 24, 2021 6:50 pm
    Lotus pier was attacked by the Wen’s when Jiang cheng’s father was away. Madame Yu gave zidan(sp?) to jiang cheng and him and wei wuxian where put on a boat and escapes. The father finds them and goes back... Nyx

    that makes sense, thank you oml