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Seriously? Are u guys blind or what?

Rebecca_Artys February 24, 2021 9:45 am

Ok now I'm seriously concerned about some people's eyesight or capacity to understand what they read.
Where is the rape here? Do you know what rape is?
Ok, the blondie attempts to push Ichinose onto doing it but he clearly FAILS to because Ichinose resist and Aizawa doesn't insist. (Plus he doesn't rape other women but it's clearly seen how the girls want this too. He only seduces them, that's all).
Aizawa threaten him? Yes but it's clearly a fake threaten because in this last chapter when he has a real chance to threaten him (Ichinose is about to turn into a woman in front of the girl he likes) Aizawa actually helps him.
If he SERIOUSLY wanted to threaten him and force him against his will, he could have asked for sex in change of his help but he didn't do it. He just helped him without any threat or coercion.
It's ironic how a lot of people dislikes him so much when in some yaoi there are actual rapists who forces themselves on the uke (or seme) without their consent and still keep liking them or keep reading it.

As for Aizawa's behavior: he's clearly a character born as asshole who can't respect women because he only sees them as sex partners and actually never happened to fall in love with one of them.

I read the raws shared on the topic and the whole plot is around both Aizawa and Ichinose to get better persons: Aizawa falling in love for the first time and coming to slowly learn how to respect others; Ichinose slowly getting to accept himself as both male and female sides and not wanting to alone anymore.

    Orange_puss April 6, 2021 3:53 am

    Sorry may i ask where you read the raws?