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134340 February 24, 2021 6:38 am

it wouldn’t have worked if they were together back in high school or university bc breaking up would be inevitable as they weren’t mature bough back then and the relationships would’ve crumbled under discrimination and expectations
so whilst it is indeed sad that twenty years were wasted, they were at least still by each other's side... and as the ex wife said, they have both fulfilled their "conventional roles" of starting a family, they can be as free as they want to

    LaMarquise October 3, 2023 8:22 am

    2 years later reply lol
    I don't know...I get what you're saying, but I think these two would've stayed together. I think it might've worked because they genuinely loved each other. The same love that made them choose to be around each other time and again despite the heartbreak. When two people decide to always bet on each other out of love, not much can actually separate them. Separation comes when one person or both decide to give up. So yes, discrimination and expectations are extremely tough to deal with, but teo people who love each other will usually make their own world.