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Ya’ll I know you hate her but

Grasshopper February 24, 2021 4:52 am

I don’t usually comment, but I felt like I needed to say this. I know y’all hate her, but wishing rape upon someone is high-key disgusting. That’s never okay no matter how much you hate a person.
I don’t like Trashta, but I can kinda see where she’s coming from. She was a slave and she’s desperate not to go back to that lifestyle. She thinks that if she sucks up to Sovieshit and has his kid, then she and her two children will be protected. I still don’t like her, cause she acts dumb and is actively trying to take the title of empress away from the MC, a title that she knows nothing about. I feel like at the end of the manwha, she should just be exiled from the kingdom or something.
But yeah, I felt like I should comment this cause what I’m seeing in this discussion was very vile. Rape is NEVER okay.

    SaladTree February 24, 2021 5:13 am

    YES.. I was kinda concerned about the r*pe comments TT

    cueghh February 24, 2021 7:29 am
    YES.. I was kinda concerned about the r*pe comments TT SaladTree

    Ikr ajajaj