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Did she save someone else in the past or that a new timeline? Those last panel confuse me ...

BeniuN February 23, 2021 5:53 pm

Did she save someone else in the past or that a new timeline? Those last panel confuse me (⊙…⊙ )

    arxhyy February 23, 2021 6:28 pm

    same like what does it meaeaann caire was alone saying I missed u too like huh??

    happyggm February 23, 2021 10:14 pm

    No she didn't save anyone else, she was saved by the brown woman. This is taking place 6 months after the ball, where the maid tried to stab her. She finally recovered her old memories of when she was a priestess. I'm guessing the last panel was when he woke up after almost dying (he ended up by himself, cuz both the priestess & the other dude disappeared) . They haven't explained what happened after she saved him. Like why they got separated & stuff. The other immortal dude was gonna leave the empire (i don't if y'all remember but people were starting to notice how they weren't aging. & he told her it was time for them to leave), remember he said he would wait for her, but then the whole ambush thing happened. I guess he left thinking she made her choice to stay there with him. That's why she said she missed him cuz she lost her memories & he was left alone. She at least had the other guy to guide & help her, but this dude his best friend stabbed in the back, the love of his life disappeared (he probably thought she died when the whole ambush took place).

    Soooooooooo its most likely we gonna have more back story scenes. I don't think they're gonna be ass long as the recents ones, since the only thing to clear up now is what happened when she saved him. Like why she lost her memories & ended up working as a servant in that other mansion with the blonde dude.

    BeniuN February 24, 2021 2:45 am
    No she didn't save anyone else, she was saved by the brown woman. This is taking place 6 months after the ball, where the maid tried to stab her. She finally recovered her old memories of when she was a prieste... happyggm

    Wow thanks (≧∀≦)