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this comment section is really all over the place. one thing, however, that is unified is ...

velvetkura February 23, 2021 3:25 pm

this comment section is really all over the place. one thing, however, that is unified is wanting yahwi to be with jooin for the moment. jooin said it correctly: the problem is that yahwi doesn't even know there's a problem. he'll say what he needs to say in order for things to go his way and that's the entire problem with his personality. he's stuck with jooin this entire time because jooin is the only one in his entire life who has shown him pure love. he was innocent and had no ulterior motives in wanting to become his friend and that has never happened before. unfortunately, yahwi didn't know how to take this and essentially used jooin for his own benefit (keeping people away from him and sex) but every single time jooin openly showed him there was a problem with their relationship (because all jooin wants is just a good healthy relationship- poor boy) yahwi was shocked and then (here's what i think) just denied it. there's never been a problem like this in his life, he doesn't know how to think through it or act, and there's no one there to teach him (not that he'd even ask for help anyways) so he denied there was even a problem with their relationship and continued as normal, and when saying hurtful things, he didn't understand how insensitive it was. overall, that's why i think yahwi acts why he acts. i am not a human emotion researcher or whatever so don't even quote me on any of it. now i'd like to get on with cain. cain is... good. he is a good fit for jooin at the moment. someone to comfort him and talk to, which is something we all need in our life. right now, jooin is really struggling, he really really genuinely does love yahwi and he doesn't know how to comprehend the fact that yahwi cant reciprocate those feeings, and thankfully cain is there to help him through this. however, the author is 100% hinting towards some huge plot twist, where cain turns to be someone/something we the readers never imagined. cain has a very particular backstory and i'm not quite sure why he has such an obsession with jooin (he's supposedly supposed to cains master) but there is definitely something more to his story. how did he know where jooin would be? how did he know what jooin would look like? etc. cain says at one point "i'm sorry jooin.." which heavily implies he's hiding something big from jooin, presumably something bad, and i hope that this won't hurt jooin but i'm not a mind reader so i'm very very interested to see where the rest of the story goes!!!
