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own opinion

Dorkie sittinginatree February 21, 2021 4:23 pm

Some of us reads through these types of plots in yaoi not because we like it but because we really are just fond of reading plots that are sometimes morally questionable because we are curious how the author salvages the reputation of the characters in the stories. Will the author be able to write a complex, tragic backstory? One that will be more than enough to justify his actions? Will it be cliche? Will the main character we hate in the first chapter have some development wherein we can finally understand him, or maybe even empathize with him? How will the author be able to turn this unlikeable, trashy character into someone the readers can forgive? How will the (sexually) abused character handle the (sexual) abuse? How will the redemption happen (will it be interesting ot not)? Etc, etc. It's these things that make me read through these types of stories. It's not actually that we like the rape part. It's what comes after it that we are curious about. Well, this is just my opinion though. But to each his own, still.

Also, please check tags before reading so you can avoid reading anything that you don't like.

    Freja February 21, 2021 5:13 pm


    ⋆ ⍣ ★ ZitiZ ★ ⍣ ⋆ February 22, 2021 2:02 pm

    You took "exactly what I wanted to say out of my mouth. That's why, to me, the phrase "If you don't like it, then don't read it" doesn't work.