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Asta and Yuno

Torp(*﹏*;) February 21, 2021 8:49 am

I don’t really like how people are saying that Yuno is looking down on Asta because that is completely not the case. Yuno sees Asta as a rival and a brother, he does not see Asta as being weak of any sorts. When Yuno says such things as “Yeah you are weak” he then goes on to say “I’ll become the wizard king” which is meant to remind Asta of his promise/pact to Yuno to become the wizard king(and their rivalry). I feel like some people have forgotten the fact of how Yuno used to be a crybaby and the person who encouraged him to stop being that way was Asta. So if anything Yuno looks up to Asta rather than looking down at him (metaphorically speaking because he has no choice but to look down at him physically ). It is also known that Yuno is short with words and not really great with communication with others and it’s not that he looks down on people it’s just that he doesn’t know how to really just express himself in a way people really understand. All in all I completely understand where you guys are coming from because I hated Yuno for the longest and felt like he was a jerk but now understand him, and I also didn’t like how fast he was getting stronger which leads to my second point. Yuno being the most loved character and Asta being the most hated. You guys once again it’s not that deep, the author created the story/plot and would not hate any of his characters. Yuno is constantly jumping ahead of Asta which is annoying yet understandable because this is another thing that is pushing Asta to become stronger. And if one isn’t always ahead of the other and they are on equal footing why would you want to be rivals? They are both constantly improving and passing their limits. Now knowing both of their backgrounds we also see how Yuno is royalty and Ig the reincarnation of the elf child(?) and how Asta is a baby who came from a lady(I forgot her name forgive me) who sucks mana from people and had adopted the devil in Asta’s grimoire. I see Asta’s background as being more interesting because not only do we not know his moms background but we also don’t know who his father is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. So all in all give it time and watch it play out and just know and understand that Yuno sees Asta as a worthy component and that Asta is made the way he is for a reason. Thank you if you read this ! And this is just my opinion and you’re free to have you’re ofc! (I also had a feeling Yuno was royalty )

    rexmaster February 21, 2021 10:36 am

    jesus dude breathe....

    EatMyNut69 February 21, 2021 10:50 am

    Not a fuck. I'm not reading all that sorry

    Torp(*﹏*;) February 21, 2021 11:21 am
    jesus dude breathe.... rexmaster

    I did halfway way through with the “” emoji thanks for the concern

    Schlong February 21, 2021 11:40 am

    This comment is longer than the new chapter

    btuhhhhhhh February 21, 2021 12:00 pm
    This comment is longer than the new chapter Schlong


    btuhhhhhhh February 21, 2021 12:01 pm

    Okay but i still dislike yuno just because.... because.

    AtR February 21, 2021 1:34 pm

    yea.. many compare them both, but I don't want to choose anyone in this case, as long as they are still good / together, is it okay..

    Sinckerspickle February 21, 2021 2:21 pm

    I read it lol

    Schlong February 21, 2021 3:42 pm

    Please help me do my essay