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Hahahhahaa he says its only a video hahahaha can't wait for him to be jealous to death whe...

Ervie February 21, 2021 6:44 am

Hahahhahaa he says its only a video hahahaha can't wait for him to be jealous to death when he knows that songs is for him written by niannian and stoled by that bitch hahahahhaha
Y'all dont worry tangshou and nian nian will also play together a piano and infront of yansheng too coz tangshou want yansheng to experience what niannian did. And that time they are divorced and all people also knows that nian nian is we the genius pianist. Hahahahhahaa Im waitin here to see that reactions on his face

    Ann February 21, 2021 8:05 am

    Yes as he should