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MEALOL February 20, 2021 5:58 pm

okay if this ends with a sad ending or if they have to start over and main character doesn't remember still im gonna cry, I ESPECIALLY am weak at losing memories or starting over a relationship because of lost memories. I like sad endings, way more than I should, but SOMETIMES just gotta knock some sense into the author before I get heartbroken and cry for hours

    Neko012 February 20, 2021 6:01 pm

    No its not (^3^♪
    But im not satisfied with ending(-----___-----)ಥ‿ಥ
    I need more extras( ⚈⌢⚈)ಥ╭╮ಥ

    Saw from raws i found(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)