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I feel like this is gonna be a BJ Alex type of relationship. Like the top gets jealous and...

Vampirediarrhea February 20, 2021 5:54 pm

I feel like this is gonna be a BJ Alex type of relationship. Like the top gets jealous and realizes his feelings and ok late or something

    THE IMPOSTER February 20, 2021 11:23 pm

    I was just about to say that :0

    babyv02 February 21, 2021 12:40 am

    I love that shit. And at least in BJ Alex he wasn’t an asshole to this caliber

    Tai February 21, 2021 1:11 am
    I love that shit. And at least in BJ Alex he wasn’t an asshole to this caliber babyv02

    lol what kind of selective memory is this?
    the jiwon I remember was 100x meaner (and more selfish) than taehwan has been shown to be to yeonwoo (or ANYone else) so far. First of all, jiwon took advantage of dongyun's fan worship of him to manipulate him into a sexual relationship that he (Jiwon/Alex) found advantageous for his streaming show and so he'd have a fuckbuddy for when he's horny even tho DG wanted jiwon to be in love with him and had no sexual or relationship experience which Jiwon also took advantage of to make DG stay with him despite also saying that he wasnt interested in anything serious. (knowing FULL WELL that DG did want smth serious but also that DG will just put up with it cause he adores Jiwon that much despite knowing almost nothing about the real person Jiwon)
    Meanwhile Jiwon got to fuck him whenever and however he wanted irrelevent of how DG felt about it at any given time. Ji also didnt allow DG to go anywhere near him (while they were ALSO having sex regularly) but not cause of anythign DG did just that he found DG to be embarassing, uncool and a risk to Jiwon's reputation. DG endured 60 chpts of this shitty behavior before he finally gets a spine and breaks up with jiwon. and THEN jiwon gets his come to jesus moment where he realizes that he's been an asshole and also DG is an important part of his life that he doesnt want to lose. so tries to win him back. That is the nutshell version of BJ Alex. and like im not here saying this cuz i think jiwon was evil and didnt deserve a second chance (i mean i wouldnt have given him one but im nothing like DG so thats not a fair comparison) or cuz i think bj was a bad story with no redeeming qualities. but i think u have on some kind of fuzzy nostalgia glasses on if u think Taehwan as of chpt 8 (of s2) is even AS bad as Jiwon from BJ alex was in chpt 8 let alone WORSE. l mean maybe u just needed a reminder cuz otherwise...we are not reading the same webtoon.

    babyv02 February 21, 2021 4:59 am
    lol what kind of selective memory is this? the jiwon I remember was 100x meaner (and more selfish) than taehwan has been shown to be to yeonwoo (or ANYone else) so far. First of all, jiwon took advantage of don... Tai

    I’m not reading that. I’m just saying to me taewan is worse, something in me doesn’t like taewan. I never said BJ Alex was good guy but I didn’t dislike him or his harshness enough. I was also not talking about the STORY I was talking purely about one character. Dongyuhn gave consent, I wouldn’t call it manipulation

    Tai February 21, 2021 6:55 am
    I’m not reading that. I’m just saying to me taewan is worse, something in me doesn’t like taewan. I never said BJ Alex was good guy but I didn’t dislike him or his harshness enough. I was also not talki... babyv02

    if u dont want to read it then why respond to me? also he gave consent under false pretenses. also any celeb that sleeps with a fan is frankly engaging in unethical behavior. its fine if that didnt bother you. but by all objective metrics, Jiwon's behavior was worse. there's a difference between "i liked character A more than character B" which is fine and ur preference. and "character A was a better person than character B" which is completely untrue. i dont know what magical difference between Jiwon and Taehwan that u saw that made u somehow miss what a huge asshole he spent most of the comic being but whatever. u not wanting to read my reply doesnt make u any less wrong.

    [deleted] February 21, 2021 2:44 pm
    if u dont want to read it then why respond to me? also he gave consent under false pretenses. also any celeb that sleeps with a fan is frankly engaging in unethical behavior. its fine if that didnt bother you. ... Tai

    Just wait for op to find out about Taehwan and the reason for his behaviour...

    [deleted] February 21, 2021 2:45 pm

    Or whoever wrote that