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Eh, most cliché work among Ichikawa Kei so far. Akimune is too tsundere for my taste. And...

Cece January 20, 2016 8:32 am

Eh, most cliché work among Ichikawa Kei so far. Akimune is too tsundere for my taste. And not the enjoyable kind (like Onoe from Ameiro Paradox). Not to say I didn't enjoy it at all, it's Ichikawa Kei after all. Just not that much.

    Iridiuum February 3, 2016 5:17 am

    I find it funny how many of us see Onoe as a "model tsundere" I have read a couple of comments like this haha

    NekoLoka November 14, 2016 3:03 am
    I find it funny how many of us see Onoe as a "model tsundere" I have read a couple of comments like this haha Iridiuum

    He was much more honest with his feelings