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I like when one of the people say it put a little bit more into perspective but I still do...

Erys February 20, 2021 12:10 am

I like when one of the people say it put a little bit more into perspective but I still don’t like the last chapter even if they weren’t trans even stay whatever making a choice for somebody else than yourself even though that should be towards you if you’re a little rash to make either of them and be because they said it was 20 years they’ve been wanting this for 20 years the whole life that’s a little much that means you thought long and hard about this in the way that they I really wanted to mow and be girly and all factors it could’ve been that they just wanted to do drag and be more towards that that’s OK that’s fine but at the same time I wish I had more contacts to the information so I could not feel uncomfortable with the fact what if they were what if this was a hard decision and they were going to regret it later because it said I wanna be whatever you want me to be which is not good you should really think I’ll everything towards yourself and you take time to think about it and vice versa and not have gone through that and think oh he really likes me and I’m willing to do this for them OK does that really mean that I want to be a Woman and then think about it properly that was my only problem with it and that made me uncomfortable also this was really not Shannon ai so I feel like there was something missing there was a chapter missing in the last one
