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I'm speechless !

dontyoudarexx January 19, 2016 10:13 pm

Obviously these words sound cliché, but I LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!!
It's getting better and better, leaving us with these messed up thoughts and emotions.
Chapter 58 ended with the biggest cliffhanger and...
One part of me wants big oppa to do it but the other part doesn't want it. It's for big oppas own good. He may not be so lucky hiding everything this time.
I just hope he stops at the right time and does something worse than throwing him off the roof.
I really feel this author is capable of coming up with even messier and fucked up situations.
Aaaaaaah, sooo good !!! (」゚ロ゚)」

    dontyoudarexx January 19, 2016 10:17 pm

    P.S ! It's just my opinion.
    Felt, like I had to point this out to avoid some misunderstandings. ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ