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Stolckholm Syndrome

iamwhoiam February 19, 2021 4:09 pm

It's a syndrome wherein someone in captivity (kidnapped or someone that is under trauma i.e. victims) creats a bond/relationship with their captors. It's a real thing, and it builds with empathy. I think it's the thing that's happening here. Considering that they actually had a bond before the rape. (omegaverse and the close comparison of humans and animals having heat/ruts are beyond me. I know it's fictional but sometimes it doesn't make sense. Sometimes it's made into an excuse to molest someone, like, ughhhh).

    satoru February 19, 2021 4:15 pm

    I don’t think you get it, him liking Keith is fine & it’s not Stockholm Syndrome as Keith wasn’t the one who kidnapped him. Sure he might’ve raped him, but he was in his rut so he didn’t even know what he was doing. Not tryna justify his actions, but it also seemed like a CNC to me, as he did want Keith to fuck him cuz he loved him.

    Lalama February 19, 2021 4:43 pm
    I don’t think you get it, him liking Keith is fine & it’s not Stockholm Syndrome as Keith wasn’t the one who kidnapped him. Sure he might’ve raped him, but he was in his rut so he didn’t even know... satoru

    Im pretty sure he lost his instrest in keith after the first time he got raped and because of that he ended their relationship right then and there so they had no relationship whatsoever and saying he wanted to get fucked doesnt make him raping yeonwoo any better

    ZelAn February 19, 2021 4:48 pm
    Im pretty sure he lost his instrest in keith after the first time he got raped and because of that he ended their relationship right then and there so they had no relationship whatsoever and saying he wanted to... Lalama

    Lmao is it not obvious? Clearly Yeonwoo is still obsessed with Keith; he was just asking in the latest chapter here where Keith went and who he was with, maybe Keith liked Emma etc. he’s crazy.
    Both is crazy. Toxic couple 101...

    Lalama February 19, 2021 4:52 pm
    Lmao is it not obvious? Clearly Yeonwoo is still obsessed with Keith; he was just asking in the latest chapter here where Keith went and who he was with, maybe Keith liked Emma etc. he’s crazy. Both is crazy.... ZelAn

    Right? Both of them needs hella therapy

    ZelAn February 19, 2021 5:09 pm
    Right? Both of them needs hella therapy Lalama

    They need double couple therapy lmao. I’m sure Keith can pay for each other :)..