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Red haired dude

Lucilfer February 19, 2021 2:50 pm

The red haired dude is a pretty good character honestly . And his actions are understandable, he was from the start getting bullied and look down by several people for him being gay and also his parents treat him like sh*t , they don't care that their son is getting bullied but they instead are worried about their son not being manly enough to protect himself from bullying and also they are upset about him not being talented enough . So of course that pent up frustration got the best of him so he started bullying others to cope with everything . A pretty well written character .

I don't have an ounce of hatred towards the red haired guy , now some can go on about but that doesn't justify his actions well it's don't and that's why fiction exists, it's help us understand the reasons behind others' action on my bigger level .and everyone's way of coping is different so put it in one line I love the red haired character ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Haramea March 6, 2021 6:01 pm

    Yeah me too, he was a prick because life was crushing him, and now i think he had enough bad things happening to him to balance the wrongs he has done