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Hu- HUUUUHHHHHH????? WHAT DID I JUST READ? So wait. Her friend took her to an island... wh...

Jay February 19, 2021 1:58 am

Hu- HUUUUHHHHHH????? WHAT DID I JUST READ? So wait. Her friend took her to an island... where she was caught watching an orgy so they forced her to stay on the island. TO PARTICIPATE IN ORGIES? AND THENNNN The “chief” thought she looked like his sister SO HE RAPED HEEERRRR??? HUUUHHH? But the other dude was in love with the sister so he rescued her. She escaped. Left the island. She found him in a random hospital AN THEN THEY FUCKED IN A HOSPITAL. WHERE THEY RETURNED TO THE ISLAND WHERE SHE WAS HELD AGAINST HER WILL IN THE BEGGINING. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
