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mandy_j February 18, 2021 9:15 pm

So fl is still stupid and useless. It took 100 chapters for her to admit this and realize she needs to strengthen herself and smarten up. I'm looking forward to seeing her do and be better. Also how the hell could she leave her kid like that

Ml is foolish too. Not stupid because he at least called his mum out on her siding with the shitty grey haired bitch aka great grandma who is stupidly being used by the snake white haired bitch. How could he think that his son wouldn't be so attached to the mother that raised him his whole life? That was a stupid comment. But at least he is proactive. Just wished he would leave with his son and fl.

Great grandma needs to be put in her place. How priveledged of her to feel that she can take a child away from their mother. I bet she wouldn't have been happy having it done to her but at least she is smarter than the fl and actually comes off strong even though she is a vile bitch

White haired bitch is annoying. Ready for her to get a slap and sent packing.
