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I know they not gonna do sex. But the uke Really annoyed me. So instead of communicate u f...

Shut up February 18, 2021 12:29 pm

I know they not gonna do sex. But the uke Really annoyed me. So instead of communicate u find other guy. Then left him after u realize ur feelings? WHAT'S THE POINT SIR??? if the seme do the same. You gonna flip. Ughh

    charlotte February 18, 2021 12:34 pm

    can we really blame him? dojin has done awful things to him, plus he already has a lot of pressure ┑( ̄ ~ ̄)┍

    IAMCHEESE-ASS February 18, 2021 12:40 pm

    i meant to approve it omg sorry for the dislike

    The sleepless wanderer February 18, 2021 1:10 pm
    can we really blame him? dojin has done awful things to him, plus he already has a lot of pressure ┑( ̄ ~ ̄)┍ charlotte

    Huhuhu yess and its also hard to know if you really are in love or is it just another crush. You would wonder if those feelings would last and if he really is the right one. We would think that what if we fight for these feelings, would we win or loose. I also relate to what the sunbae said because there was a time that i really liked someone and i really thought that he was the one for me because from all the crushes i had my feelings for him were different. I reallt dont know how i came to really like him like he caught my attention because he was smart. I liked him for months before i started imagining us dating and even getting married lol. Then after few months we started messaging each other and that was when i started to doubt if he really is the one. I dont know if he is just dull or just really not interested in me. I mean we would chat and he would even chat me first but our topics are just i dont know. I really cant relate to what he says and i tried to adjust for him but i just really cant, i dont know anything about games i tried playing the game but i didn't like it. And when i try to change the topic he would just ignore me and continue what he was saying. So anyways its just really hard to trust if your feelings are really true and if that person is really the one for you so i get why uke is having a hard time and plus he is an idol, if the media knew not only him and the seme will be affected but also the other members and the company so its a really hard decision

    Shut up February 18, 2021 4:52 pm
    can we really blame him? dojin has done awful things to him, plus he already has a lot of pressure ┑( ̄ ~ ̄)┍ charlotte

    I don't blame him for the confusion. But i just hate the fact that he let someone else touch his body despite knowing he in lov with someone. Eventho he stop at the end. Doesn't it look like he played with someone else heart too? Cus the sunbae also kinda into him. But the uke just "try and error".(´。_。`). Cus after this he gonna have sex with the seme. Ironic huh

    Shut up February 18, 2021 5:03 pm
    Huhuhu yess and its also hard to know if you really are in love or is it just another crush. You would wonder if those feelings would last and if he really is the right one. We would think that what if we fight... The sleepless wanderer

    Ahh i get what u say. I hope you find someone tht will appreciate and have the same interested with you and also in lov with you dear. Plus i do get your point. Its just i hate the fact he let someone else touch his body despite knowing he in lov with someone. I knw the uke n seme is not in relationship but still. Its just not ma type when people let someone else touch their body just to know wht they really feels. Cus yeah sure u realise hes not the one. But that guy? The guy u "try and error" With? Wht bout his feelings? The uke should be glad tht sunbae is not someone who pushy. Cus when the uke want to stop he stop. Cus if hes unlucky he might be rape. Cus not all guy can stop in the middle. Even tht person said stop. There's alot of way to know your feelings. Communicate with the person you lov. Just like your story. How did u realise hes not the one? When u communicate with him right? U realise hes not the exact person tht u once like. See? Maybe some people okay with that scene where "uke let someone touch him" But for. Its not my cup of teaಥ‿ಥ

    The sleepless wanderer February 19, 2021 5:11 am
    Ahh i get what u say. I hope you find someone tht will appreciate and have the same interested with you and also in lov with you dear. Plus i do get your point. Its just i hate the fact he let someone else tou... Shut up

    Uke wont just play with anyone but sunbae literally said to let uke use him lol

    Shut up February 19, 2021 12:53 pm
    Uke wont just play with anyone but sunbae literally said to let uke use him lol The sleepless wanderer

    If u have your stand you won't let other touch you. Doesn't matter if tht person said " Yeah you can used me" But its you who decided to said No. Yeah hes not play with anyone. Cus after he almost have sex with sunbae he realize his feelings n go having sex with the seme..ugh..