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❀ cherry99 ❀ January 11, 2016 10:03 am

Idk but i don't really understood this story #-.-)

    Black Shadow January 13, 2016 10:45 pm

    Phew. I thought I was the only one thinking that there where parts that seemed strange. ^o^

    ❀ cherry99 ❀ January 14, 2016 1:55 pm
    Phew. I thought I was the only one thinking that there where parts that seemed strange. ^o^ Black Shadow

    Not just you dear (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 kk

    こなちゃん January 26, 2016 10:45 pm

    I'm the same, I get the feeling the mangaka meant to write an in-depth, super touching plot but it was actually very simple and it ended up confusing... or maybe I'm just blinded by too much yaoi sex and kept expecting smexy shit ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Nanase12 January 29, 2016 1:41 am

    I'll simplify best I can. Pretty much, the 2 brothers have really only relied on each other since they were very young. They have long since fallen in love with each other. When Enishi realised his feelings, he had no problem expressing himself. Kuruto on the other hand couldn't bring himself to accept this.

    That's where the confusion is for the most part. Most simply, he doesn't want to ruin their current relationship. He felt selfish for raising Enishi to want to be by him, etc. Pretty much a bunch of issues he made up in his head. After nudges from Aruma and Yukito, he is finally able to accept his on feelings, and in turn, accept Enishi.

    Then there's the sub plot with the older brother. From what I can tell, Kuruto feared Yukito because he thought his brother would take away what he loved. The fear continued when Enishi and Yukito met, which is why Kuruto feels even more tension. It's revealed that the brother was trying to help protect him, and they work through the misunderstanding/fear, leading Kuruto to finally confess.

    Fianlly, the last chapter features the fathers of the young boys. It at last becomes clear why Enishi and Kuruto become brothers to begin with. The dads were in a relationship, and Enishi's dad was sick. He made Kuruto's dad promise to take care of his son when he left. The lack of parents in the manga also makes sense here. A mother that's busy because she doesn't want to raise the son of her husband's lover. And a dad that has a tough time looking at the son who looked so much like the man he loved.

    Anyway, that's an unexpected,complicated as I can make it-using few details and basic generalisations. Hope it helped someone.

    Nanase12 January 29, 2016 1:42 am

    I'll simplify best I can. Pretty much, the 2 brothers have really only relied on each other since they were very young. They have long since fallen in love with each other. When Enishi realised his feelings, he had no problem expressing himself. Kuruto on the other hand couldn't bring himself to accept this.

    That's where the confusion is for the most part. Most simply, he doesn't want to ruin their current relationship. He felt selfish for raising Enishi to want to be by him, etc. Pretty much a bunch of issues he made up in his head. After nudges from Aruma and Yukito, he is finally able to accept his on feelings, and in turn, accept Enishi.

    Then there's the sub plot with the older brother. From what I can tell, Kuruto feared Yukito because he thought his brother would take away what he loved. The fear continued when Enishi and Yukito met, which is why Kuruto feels even more tension. It's revealed that the brother was trying to help protect him, and they work through the misunderstanding/fear, leading Kuruto to finally confess.

    Fianlly, the last chapter features the fathers of the young boys. It at last becomes clear why Enishi and Kuruto become brothers to begin with. The dads were in a relationship, and Enishi's dad was sick. He made Kuruto's dad promise to take care of his son when he left. The lack of parents in the manga also makes sense here. A mother that's busy because she doesn't want to raise the son of her husband's lover. And a dad that has a tough time looking at the son who looked so much like the man he loved.

    Anyway, that's as uncomplicated as I can make it-using few details and basic generalisations. Hope it helped someone.