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Megami-Rori February 15, 2021 1:11 pm

It's not that i hate her so much or smthn... But just no bruh,,, girl has the audacity to ask eumilia to teach her magic when that girl literally shamed eumilia in public calling our eumilia a "demon lord" and she just worsened the fl's reputation bc of that and at the start of the chapter she kept looking at the fl as if she wanna fight or smthn... Like??? Gurl?? U just dug your own grave the moment u shamed eumilia in public :///... Your attitude is trash mehn... Yea you're cute and all and our fl is too but she's way better than you and just a no for your attitude mehn. Your apology was even so half-assed(well done fricking trying cuz it didnt fix the situation) TO THE POINT that eumilia gets shamed again by your pretty shitty "prince". Like srsly? You wont defend eumilia from the prince? Do better mehn ://

    agathat February 15, 2021 1:28 pm

    Well, her manga version has way more personality than her novel version!!!