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NO I don't think that it is a good idea that it would have a lesbian ending. It is normal ...

Anonymous January 10, 2016 7:54 am

NO I don't think that it is a good idea that it would have a lesbian ending. It is normal to have a real close relationship with two girls like they treat each other as real sisters. That kind of relationship is good and I think that It is what Kanoko and Momo is showing. Just a pure sister relationship and nothing romantic.

For Kanoko, I prefer her to feel some romantic feelings to either tsubaki or the president ( well, I prefer it to be tsubaki). It would help her to grow as a person and she would understand more about the people around her if she too gains some experience on love. Also, Tsubaki would be pathetic if Kanoko ends up to be in a lesbian relationship. Because he already loves her since before they became high school students. The plot/message of the story, I think, would be destroyed if Kanoko does not end up having a love life. I also hope for more romantic scenes for the next chapter like the othermangas which can make our hearts go badump badump =))
