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Mmmmmhh no

Accha February 15, 2021 10:47 am

I'm ready to receive a lot of dislikes but I didn't like this story at all lol

First of all this is a story about a lonely boy, abandoned (yeah a b a n d o n e d, i don't care how the story presents the father like a good man, he always left behind his own son) by his own father, which thought that travelling the world and teaching was WAY more important than loving and caring and being there for his own son, who was living with his grandmother and, when she passed away, started living alone.

The father couldn't even be bothered to call his own son because, you know, "the reception is bad", and wouldn't even write letters to him (we discover in the last pages that the letters that the son received were written by the father's assistant aka seme).

But because the father was trying to "fulfill the dream of his deceased wife" then it looks like that everything is forgiven and forgotten.

    Lorraine April 7, 2021 2:05 pm

    bro fr the dad be leaving his child like its not his but overall this is cute. The only problem i have is the dad AHAHA