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Guys chill. I don't understand why everyone's so worked up about the twins. They may be ad...

Wan February 14, 2021 6:52 am

Guys chill. I don't understand why everyone's so worked up about the twins. They may be adults back in their previous world and mentally but since they are kids in this world it'd be obvious that they'd act like one from time to time. Beside this is just a story with cute characters and nice art and the story is nice too. No need to get super annoyed or whatever

    Loidine February 14, 2021 7:11 am

    No, they were teenagers in the other world so basically they're still kids when they died

    Igris_theDarkKnight February 14, 2021 7:51 am
    No, they were teenagers in the other world so basically they're still kids when they died Loidine

    Yes! And they technically fidn't have a happy childhood nor did they experience much of the world in their teen years