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Ppl hating on fl ... meanwhile me hating on ml (he’s still good looking tho)

Irrelevant (-_x) February 11, 2021 9:07 pm

Most ppl: hating on fl
Me: hating on ml (he’s still hot tho)

Ik it’s important for plot development and the romance but I low-key (nvm high key) hate it when the ml chased after fl as an immediate response after being made of the letter that clearly showcases that she doesn’t want to stay, he’s basically trying to drag her back against her will she probably has her own reasons. It’s probably not as aggressive as I’m making it out to be but seriously ik she promised to stay and all but those were platitudes given to a child does he have to cling to them. Also ik he just wants answers but if she wanted to give them she would have said it in the letter, it’s not like he has a right to ask anything if her especially when their kindness towards him almost got them killed. . I understand that he probs think they’re going to be in danger cuz of their relation to him but still I want to be vindictive.

Plz excuse the rant.

P.S. I’m probably projecting one to many other mangas onto this one but still ...~ if you love them let them go~ (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    XxMysticsxX February 11, 2021 9:13 pm

    People hate on the female lead?

    Irrelevant (-_x) February 11, 2021 9:37 pm
    People hate on the female lead? XxMysticsxX

    It’s more like they’re just annoyed that she’s following the cliche that isekaied fl tries to follow the previously established plot of that world and tries to distance themselves from the ml on that basis

    UwU February 14, 2021 4:17 am

    I think so too and I agree with you 100% ┗( T﹏T )┛ I love the box, like he's cute and all that but for some reason... something doesn't sit right with me. Like I kindaaaaa feel annoyed but I just don't know why but after reading your comment, I realized why I felt like that towards him( ̄∇ ̄")

    k4yl40589 May 27, 2021 4:15 pm

    No because I absolutely agree, everyone is annoyed with the fl for not accepting his feelings, but she was literally getting kidnapped so I don’t blame her for anything. Female leads in isekai may obsess over the original plot, but how about we talk about how the ml obsesses over a human being? Like idk how people defend him. He was cute when he was younger, but now he went to far.