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wow, the dad was too okay with his sons being in a gay relationship, seens to unnatural, i...

ddkktt January 2, 2016 7:01 am

wow, the dad was too okay with his sons being in a gay relationship, seens to unnatural, i wanted to see a flashback to see his real reaction

    InItForTheButtSex January 2, 2016 7:50 am

    Or he is just open-minded about that kind of stuff?

    ddkktt January 2, 2016 8:13 am

    oh please be real, theres a limit about how much you can be open minded, especially if is about your sons (if is other people is diferent but when you are a parent you cant just say "ok be happy with your gay realtionship with your brother" that easy even if people accepts homosexuality incest is other thing)

    chilifherii January 2, 2016 8:26 am
    oh please be real, theres a limit about how much you can be open minded, especially if is about your sons (if is other people is diferent but when you are a parent you cant just say "ok be happy with your gay ... ddkktt

    you have any problem with that?
    maybe you think it's unrealistic, but, what if, 'some parents' just want to see their children happy?

    though i do get your point, and it's your own opinion.
    but not everything need's drama.

    why make life so hard? :)

    Akikosenpai January 2, 2016 9:34 am

    Yeah maybe he accepts it for their sake, to see them happy, but the OP has a point, originally he must have been shocked, I think? I mean, no matter how accepting you are, that kind of news must come as a shock, no?

    articwolf January 2, 2016 9:50 am

    if I was a parent and found out both my son's were in love with each other, I'd most likely be shocked, but get over it since that's their decision and I ain't gonna take the time to fight over "love" when we are all adults.

    Doll January 2, 2016 10:39 pm

    Incest is still a tabou in society. It's sexy in Yaoi world but i would feel bad in IRL. There is feel you shloud keep quiet. Not being stop or a shame just keep it private.

    I Thot You Was a Toad January 3, 2016 2:53 am
    oh please be real, theres a limit about how much you can be open minded, especially if is about your sons (if is other people is diferent but when you are a parent you cant just say "ok be happy with your gay ... ddkktt

    I'm certainly not the person who clicked on the annoy button for your responses, but I would like to point out that readers are never actually privy to the discussion which took place between Seiji and his father, so we don't know what was said, exactly, or how objections and arguments were overcome and resolved. It could well be that Seiji's father was shocked and full of issues about these very things, but these objections were acknowledged and dealt with in such a way that he could relent by the time Seiji left to bring Akira home.

    Setting that aside, I would like to address the point you make about limits to how open-minded a person can be. There are no limits, except the ones we impose upon ourselves. Age and life experience bring about a different perspective. Consider:
    (1) This man has put many years and, if we are to infer from Seiji's expository descriptions to Akira and from Akira's own recollections, heartbreak and family conflict behind him.
    (2) Even by the revolting double standards of chauvinistic societies, this man has not led a pure, upstanding and exemplary life. At his age, don't put it past him to realize that he is in no position to judge others for transgressions that, while they may be social taboos, have little validity as such since they are, for the most part, harmless. The hypocrisy would probably be too much for his self-respect.
    (3) He has endured loss and grief that most of us would find shattering, regardless of whether it was from his own foolish transgressions or the simple depredations of time and troubles: a wife, a lover, a son ... leaving such emotional scars that he has little heart left except to cloister himself in a sappy security blanket of cat videos.
    (4) He has seen his one remaining son fly off to a whole other continent and engage in reckless gambling on the stock market (even if, by some miracle, it paid off) out of grief, and now that Seiji is home, a changed man with the resolve to live honestly as he really is in order to heal his heart.
    (5) He seems to have retired from an active, directive role in business and public life, leaving him free to reflect inwardly and contemplatively.

    Not every old person is bitter and closed. Some become firebrands and revolutionaries. Others become filled with gracious acceptance. In other words, don't assume that he raised any objections with Seiji and Akira at all.

    I Thot You Was a Toad January 3, 2016 3:11 am
    I'm certainly not the person who clicked on the annoy button for your responses, but I would like to point out that readers are never actually privy to the discussion which took place between Seiji and his fat... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Just to complete the point #4, which seems to have been eaten by this old laptop (cursor sometimes jumps around and cuts out blocks of text):

    Seiji's father was probably over-the-moon that Seiji came back to Japan. He was probably relieved to see Seiji determined to do whatever he needed to do to heal his heart, which was to be honest about his past relationship with Akira and try to reconcile with his stepbrother. He was probably filled with quiet bliss at the possibility of seeing Akira once more. The approbation of a society from which he was, now, largely removed probably seemed very insignificant next to the chance of having the company returned of those two sons whom he whom he never stopped loving.

    And I've thought of a 6th point, which is that quite a lot of parents can forgive almost anything of their children. There can be quite a strong bond which transcends almost everything.

    chilifherii January 3, 2016 7:00 am

    true, i actually have a friend that was away from home for about 2+ years, i was once there when him and his father had a fight and it even got physical at some point (he'd gotten slapped)..

    but it was all in the past now, he was brought back here by his old man. and i can see that something's changed with the way his father treats him now. though they still do bicker sometime. guess really time heal all wound.. :)

    *why am i even saying this, sorry..

    I Thot You Was a Toad January 3, 2016 5:11 pm
    true, i actually have a friend that was away from home for about 2+ years, i was once there when him and his father had a fight and it even got physical at some point (he'd gotten slapped).. but it was all in t... chilifherii

    Depends who you're responding to, but that anecdote supports the points I was making. I'm glad they made up their differences. It's better to do that then be righteous and die unloved.