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Just like chowon on love is an illusion who did really cruel things just becoz he wants to...

Ervie February 10, 2021 11:15 am

Just like chowon on love is an illusion who did really cruel things just becoz he wants to be love, to be cared and look for by the person he really love, Doah also deserved 2nd chances huhuhuhuhu. Im breaking right now coz I know that silver haired guy know why doah acting like that he knows and got a gist that doah likes him, honestly I do have resentment and frustration about silver hair guy coz even if he like woo joo he didn't even fight or made anythin then he just keep ignoring the person who's been inlove for him for so long,

Just an opinion not here to offend anyone

    Sugarwater February 10, 2021 2:13 pm

    I mean, he could at least talk to doah and tell him he doesn't like him or doesn't stand a chance, but ignoring him is just too cruel ಥ╭╮ಥ