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You want facts??

Xylade February 8, 2021 9:49 am

The “It wasn’t really me who abused you, babe, it was the drugs” is reminiscent of alcoholic abusers and I don’t buy it as an effective plot device. It is not only cheap—it is also dangerous, as it conditions readers to slowly accept this kind of insidious behavior in real life. The pre-timewarp emperor was not erratic or “not like himself”; he clearly calculated his actions (e.g. speaking sweetly to Jieun, sending her away, and switching smoothly to threatening Tia) and was in control of himself. He made the conscious choice to force himself on Tia. I feel as though this drugs arc is being introduced because “I abused you because your mother protected you instead of me, boo-hoo” wasn’t enough to wash the taste of pre-timewarp emperor out of our collective mouths.

Also, I don’t understand why Tia constantly flip flops between “I don’t want to be empress” and “oh no what if I can’t be the empress :(?" I understand if she’s concerned about the political sphere but if that’s the case then she’d be a lot more practical about it rather than “oh no why does my heart beat so fast around my past abuser”. Oh but wait no he’s not the same abusive guy you knew before, he’s nicer now. And he’s not taking harmful substances anymore. He won’t do all that again, baby. He’s changed, because you’re better than before. He was like that because you weren’t good enough then, but now you are. It won’t happen again. Give him another chance. I mean he planted a kiss on you out of nowhere but that doesn’t mean he’s the same guy who invoked “marital rights” by pinning your arms to the wall. It’s not like this kind of red flag behavior emerges gradually and insidiously like that. He disrespects your choices by wishing that you’d become his empress instead of inheriting your family’s title, but isn’t he so sweet for doing that? He just loves you so much!

How disgusting.

    Xylade February 8, 2021 9:50 am

    w00w the power of ~fate~ pog
    No more free will.

    taylor003 February 8, 2021 11:05 am

    I agree. Im also disappointed because I honestly thought she will turn her life around this time but ended living her life for the prince ... Time travel was wasted hahah

    Laura Ciel February 8, 2021 11:08 am

    Oh my gosh. I was thinking the same thing. If anything, I’m rooting for Carsein because he’s the only one seeming to be in good mind and cares enough for Tia. But considering how the plot’s progressing, she’d definitely end up with the emperor who hurt her before and we have to just accept the very abrupt reason, “oh, he was poisoned that’s why he did those horrible things”. Although, I’m also a hypocrite since I’m still interested in the series and knowing how it’ll all end xD

    DaddyEmu February 8, 2021 12:36 pm

    And yet this is a completely different timeline, he’s actually a different person now because of her influence. He treated her with resentment but in this timeline he’s changed and isn’t the same guy he was before.