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3rd time reading...

todorokisbitch February 7, 2021 5:12 pm

This is my 3rd time reading this and I can honestly say that it gets better with every read. Idk if this is insensitive or not but Kanae’s strong personality is exactly what Haruki needed. She was strong-willed enough to endure all the uncertainty that came with their relationship without a single complaint she never held his sickness against him and stood by him through everything (I mean more than one assassination attempt, my heart would’ve gave out) The only time she broke is when she seriously thought he was going to die and that’s completely understandable, other that that even when he said things like ‘a healthy person like you would never understand what I’m going through’ she didn’t get bitchy and cry like how some other authors write heroines, she simply replied ‘you’re right but even a healthy person like me can die at any moment’ (not in that scene or exactly in those words) and that’s what I love about her. She’s an amazing FL. They’re both wonderful characters and have a beautiful, healthy dynamic which is rare
