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AmIWorthIt February 7, 2021 1:25 pm

If you guys are going to complain then why dont you just make your own chapters? I know rape and sexual assault if wrong but like, be happy it's not dropped. It was the authors choice to write the story this way so if you have a problem then fix them.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Yeri❁ February 7, 2021 1:33 pm

    omg YES i totally agree. This dumbholes don't even pay for this shit and they just keep COMPLAINING. We don't want the rape nor we normalize it but it's part of the author's and the story's plot..

    The Whovian February 7, 2021 1:47 pm

    I think the point of their ‘complaining’ is the lack of the ability to move the plot over without sexual violation of a character

    victoria February 7, 2021 2:39 pm

    this is such a ridiculous take that I hear people say every single time the rape trope is used in yaoi. Yaoi has a HUGE issue with using rape as a means to get the main characters together and it SHOULDN'T be like that. Now in regards to this story, rape tropes are understandable if it's actually a means to progress the story and if it's highlighted as wrong, but at this point it just seems like the rape happens just for the sake of it, and people are allowed not to like it. This story is amazing but with the sheer amount of times Rix gets assaulted, people are going to start wondering "what's the point?". And people are allowed to express their discomfort at that. Telling people they aren't because they didn't write the story or are reading it for free is ridiculous. A story is meant to create conversation - good or bad - and author's are not exempt from criticism. Of course people can just drop the story, but they're still allowed to be disheartened at a story they like just constantly being full of the mc being assaulted

    Yeri❁ February 7, 2021 3:02 pm
    I think the point of their ‘complaining’ is the lack of the ability to move the plot over without sexual violation of a character The Whovian

    as you can see, their complaining is PERSONAL to the author. I mean it's your own opinion but to express hate to the author just because of the writing that you didn't even paid for? really?

    Yeri❁ February 7, 2021 3:10 pm
    this is such a ridiculous take that I hear people say every single time the rape trope is used in yaoi. Yaoi has a HUGE issue with using rape as a means to get the main characters together and it SHOULDN'T be l... victoria

    People are allowed to voice their opinions yes. But miss, critizing personally the author is a bad thing I mean it's getting to the point that it's personal. First of all, as y'all are mad because of the story, the author has every right to be mad at us, i mean, we are reading it illegaly? I just don't get your point that if someone doesn't like something that means they should point it out and blame it to the author? that's not just right. Sometimes you got to keep it when it can affect others. This is a fiction and the author is free to think and do what they want, whether you like it or not. Bullying the author is another thing, there's nothing that can justify that just because y'all don't like the rape scenes or whatever in this manga. and YES just drop the manga and shut up, that's it.

    The Whovian February 8, 2021 1:52 am
    as you can see, their complaining is PERSONAL to the author. I mean it's your own opinion but to express hate to the author just because of the writing that you didn't even paid for? really? Yeri❁

    Its because the author is writing the story and from what i see im pretty sure they know the author doesnt see this and i think theyre just complaining not for the author to see it but for other to agree