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is it just me?

Dorkie sittinginatree February 7, 2021 10:59 am

I actually like the current dynamic of Prince Julius and Scarlet. I like that Julius likes/loves her not in a romantic way for now but he seems genuine to her and shows her exactly what sort of person he really is. It's true that for now he seems to care for her because she entertains him (although I think his care for her runs deep since he did risk her life for her at all), and she seems to dislike or is annoyed with him but is also gradually learning to tolerate him, so this leaves for a lot of situations that will lead to certain changes in their emotions later on, so I'm looking forward to how their relationship changes/develops/progresses from here on out, whether romantically or platonically. It would've been quite boring really if the prince was already head over heels for Scarlet from the start like all the other guys are or will be (seemingly) since she's already so badass. I actually like that they're both not (that) attracted to each other and I'm excited as to how the prince realizes (if it ever happens, lol) he's finally, really fallen in love with Scarlet, and I'm also really looking forward to Scarlet developing romantic feelings for anyone of the male characters.
