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As someone who really likes bdsm. This aint it chief. A lot and a lot of potential. Gotta ...

Mahnaembeep February 7, 2021 10:03 am

As someone who really likes bdsm. This aint it chief. A lot and a lot of potential. Gotta admit, one of the highest potential ive seen in a bdsm manga. See this could have been a wonderful manga if they included simple actions that showed love, eg safewords, aftercare, and maybe even them just fucking softly. But no, the character development for this entire plot is just "ill whip you till you love me lolololol". Another aspect of this manga that concerns me (maybe im just overthinking but stay with me) they showed a time skip of 5 years, that shows an obvious intention as a long term relationship. Bdsm is one of those things in a relationship that cannot and will not last forever, be it physical age or some other things brought on by getting whipped everyday. The seme said that his way of loving is through bdsm, but if thats the case, wont that mean that either it will not last or they have to actually yk... fAll in lOvE? I really do hope its the second option, and it could have developed in this aspect alot. Then again i am not an author so i dont exactly have the right to say all these. Take my comment with a grain of salt, just trying to express how i feel. Overall though, great art, decent plot, not so decent character..
