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did anyone else notice that she doesn't really talk when she's a woman? like, is her voice...

real_neville_papperman February 7, 2021 8:30 am

did anyone else notice that she doesn't really talk when she's a woman? like, is her voice the same so she doesn't want to give it away? im so confused shes just silent the whole time i feel like it'd be awkward if i was the emperor lol just talking to her with no response

    tea123 February 7, 2021 9:04 am

    True but she kinda talks with her expressions

    fujoshi doki February 7, 2021 3:16 pm

    the previous time she couldn’t cuz of the poison and this time there was something preventing her from talking (it was in a chapter but i forgot ( ̄∇ ̄"))
    i think author-nim is doing this to create an image of lok-heun in the emperor’s head for when selene comes pretending to be her but that’s just a guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Meri February 7, 2021 4:35 pm

    She can't speak whenever they meet lol
    What a convenient coincidence
    First, bc of poison. Now it's bc of the last fight.