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in defense of the queen

bibachoro-ok February 6, 2021 10:59 am

I think we're all being a little harsh with the queen - we don't know the extent of her future vision. Pryde's future vision shows her other people's motivations bc it's an otome game, a story she was being told as the player, ofc the game would explain everybody's feelings and reasons.
The queen probably just saw a heartless and spoiled Pryde with no idea what caused it - and logically assumed that spoiling her child would result in that. It's common for children of rich and powerful parents to feel like they can get away with anything because they're loved, I can see why she'd assume that giving Pryde "too much love" would bring about the bad end.
She was of course wrong (or maybe she was right, but responded too drastically and circled back to the same end regardless), and it was definitely stupid to assume that the only option aside from spoiling her child is to neglect her.

But she had good intentions and she does love Pryde. She was just mistaken about how to show it. I'm sure she'll do her best to make up for it now, she clearly regretted her choices.

    Nunyabidness_650 February 6, 2021 11:40 am

    I love your explanation, and I agree! Even though I acknowledge that, it still infuriates me to see Pryde’s mom. She just pisses me off loollll ( ̄へ ̄)

    Sasori February 6, 2021 11:51 am

    Yh I don’t hate the queen, I don’t really care about her she's barely there. I dislike the original pryde tho, like how the hell does neglect lead to ur child becoming a psychopath that forces her brother in a slave contract and makes him kill his own mother. I don’t care how much she went through (which was not even much in comparison to what she's done) I still hate her specially cuz I really really like the brother, he so sweet dude.

    Leiyanna the fujoshi February 6, 2021 1:48 pm

    While I agree with some of your points, there's a saying that goes: good intentions sometimes leads to hell.

    It sorta undermines the fact that NOT ONCE did she ever show love to OG Pryde while claiming she 'loved' her. While her visions were fragmented and its one thing to be wary of her child, would the first thing any sane parent that cares for their child think to remedy seeing them go rogue in the future be: "Oh ye, maybe showing some slight love would make them go coo-coo! Let's not :/"

    And going by some of your points, would it also not result to Tiana to become as evil as Pryde cuz she was showered with so much love, she was spoiled to a point? If the queen worried so much about giving excessive love, she should've done the same for the two other siblings, but no, she isolated Pryde from this and while OG Pryde can go f herself, it can be pretty understandable why she'd grow up jaded and evil (in a way, but not so much). And honestly, you right, she drastically decided things, especially isolating her while showing love for her other sib which is big dumb energy. Im also seething at the dad tho, because while he doesn't die in this timeline, he's been a passive spectator over this like he isn't part of the family dynamic which is ???? Bonkers ?? And then he just goes "Oh, ye, babe, you fucked up but iz cool, I still love you even if OUR other daughter was starving for your love for a while now :DDD"

    I personally just blame it from the devs that created the otome game or I guess 'fate,' heck, the editors, even in this case, since they made Pryde just evil incarnate and its a slight loose end in the plot that I wanna nitpick at lol. Like, kids get abused, but they don't go around forcing siblings to kill parents or watch knowingly of their soldiers dying to capture one target. OG Pryde wasn't meant to be multi-faceted, she was supposed to just be cut-throat black and white evil so that Tiana, the 2nd sister, could shine the brightest and honestly, I'd be doubtful if we were to pull this in the realm of reality that Tiana would at least not have harbored some temperament against an abusive Pryde.

    Ok, I digress now but ye, I think yes, she had good intentions, but she didn't execute it well. Isolating children who only wants emotional support at a young age could only ever go wrong and she did have some fault. I just hope she makes it up to her now (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Leiyanna the fujoshi February 6, 2021 1:49 pm
    While I agree with some of your points, there's a saying that goes: good intentions sometimes leads to hell.It sorta undermines the fact that NOT ONCE did she ever show love to OG Pryde while claiming she 'love... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    ohmygod this is so long :(((( im so sorry !!! sioadflsafsd i didnt knotice i kept rambling AAAAAAAAAA

    bibachoro-ok February 6, 2021 2:33 pm
    ohmygod this is so long :(((( im so sorry !!! sioadflsafsd i didnt knotice i kept rambling AAAAAAAAAA Leiyanna the fujoshi

    no prob, i know how it can be! I don't disagree, I just wanted to point out with my comment that while the queen is an idiot, she's not malicious. Some people in the comments sound like they think the queen was an evil person. But according to what the canon itself is telling us, she has good intentions and love in her heart - she (and yes, the king too, thank you for reminding me!) is just so mindnumbingly stupid that none of her good intentions helped. I won't deny that she's definitely caused harm with how shitty her reasoning was, regardless of her intentions.
    And yeah tbh, the plot is pretty poorly set up - I just can't imagine how Pryde would ever NATURALLY be so terrible when everyone around her seems to be decent.

    (Although there was that one advisor or smth spreading rumours about her, right? For all we know, it could turn out that the real reason she became a villain was bc he was intentionally manipulating her, but we'll see I guess. King and queen are still dumb though lol.)

    Sasori February 6, 2021 4:44 pm
    While I agree with some of your points, there's a saying that goes: good intentions sometimes leads to hell.It sorta undermines the fact that NOT ONCE did she ever show love to OG Pryde while claiming she 'love... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    I dunno I just don’t hate the mum if u get me, not saying what she did was morally right but I just don’t really care about her. I guess which is more or less the point since I don’t think the author wants the readers to hate her. Like lack of love and neglect doesn’t really speak psycho murderer to me (like her forcing her brother to kill his mum at like 11? I think). I guess if they really wanted that kind of story where they'd focus on the child's psyche and why she would do these things, they'd actually humanise the original Pryde (which they haven’t nor do I think they will, she's literally labeled as the "villain" ).

    I think it's just more on what type of manga this actually is, which is a feel good manga where depth is selective. Like thinking about it there have been cruel children in the real world before and weirdly smart ones at that like the story of mark and John like damn dude.

    But anyway I don’t think the mum should be hated too much just cuz I don’t think they’re gunna go in-depth like that anyway and due to the original Pryde just plainly being made into a psychopath or like u said a black and white villain (like to me it's a waste of energy I don’t take reading this manga all to heart or seriously that's just me tho). I mean there are many rich neglected kids that don’t turn into outright murderers by the age of 11. But anyhow I ain’t mad at the mum there's literally no point to, if I wanted a realistic manga that attacked realistic cases with depth I would have chosen a different manga to read (not that fantasy can’t be realistic).

    Leiyanna the fujoshi February 7, 2021 3:55 am
    no prob, i know how it can be! I don't disagree, I just wanted to point out with my comment that while the queen is an idiot, she's not malicious. Some people in the comments sound like they think the queen was... bibachoro-ok

    Yes, for sure, I totally agree with you on this! She seemed to genuinely think that what she was doing was right (which was honestly just big dumb energy HAHAHAHA) and both parents are just canonically idiotas that it just makes me sight at this point.

    We'll have to see now, tho, how they make up for it with Pryde because she deserves the world and more ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Hopefully that dumbass chatterbox advisor drops dead or becomes irrelevant to the story or actually becomes one of Pryde's growing congregation or actually becomes one of those voices of reason to ground her lol (imagine a full-grown adult maligning a 10 year old they barely knew ???? Dafuq was that lol ??????)

    Thanks for this thread, you were a very mature conversationalist to share some differing and similar opinions with ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Leiyanna the fujoshi February 7, 2021 4:08 am
    I dunno I just don’t hate the mum if u get me, not saying what she did was morally right but I just don’t really care about her. I guess which is more or less the point since I don’t think the author want... Sasori

    Oh, for sure, yes, I get where you're going at. I don't really hate her cuz I think hate is a strong word and ye, the story's a feel good story with dark undertones being pushed under a small-ass rug lol. But, tbf, I did hate her the first time she was introduced, not so much because she was neglectful but more so because of her reasoning behind it. And, ye, I did have to take some deep breaths with her because for sure, there are more ass-wipey fucker parents that deserve "Worst Parent Awards" or "The Bar is So Low, It's Practically Hell Awards" in this genre, but her actions were (and still infuriating) to me.

    But, indeed, it was more or less just loose writing by the creators and they prolly don't want us hating on her. However, I just want to dislike her since I haven't really seen her work on mending their relationship just yet HAHAHAHA. It's also a lil easier to clown on her since she comes off semi stupid oomf. Like, I get other parents in the genre who are worse but to me its more about the fact that usually they're already established as cold-ass parents so when we see them learn to give love to their kids, we aren't just bombarded with 'oh, ye, they loved their kid all along and they were just a tsun-tsun or someone who couldn't show it' whereas she justified her actions as something out of her own wack version of love which is just :/ meh.

    I'll have to stop here because I dont think I make sense anymore lol but ye, I'm not really focusing on the realism of the story, just more on how they executed her reasoning or her intentions which is pure weak sauce, which again, I am *semi-glaring* at the editorial staff lol. No hard feelings ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sasori February 7, 2021 9:39 am
    Oh, for sure, yes, I get where you're going at. I don't really hate her cuz I think hate is a strong word and ye, the story's a feel good story with dark undertones being pushed under a small-ass rug lol. But, ... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    God yh definitely and u make total sense (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    Yh her reasoning is definitely shit and the fact the author's trying to make it seem reasonable makes it more pissy and oh god are there worse parents, feck I’m getting flashbacks both irl parents and fictional ones. The Casey Marrie Anthony case literally makes u go ugh humanity but anywho hope u have a great day ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Leiyanna the fujoshi February 7, 2021 12:12 pm
    God yh definitely and u make total sense (๑•ㅂ•)و✧Yh her reasoning is definitely shit and the fact the author's trying to make it seem reasonable makes it more pissy and oh god are there worse parents... Sasori

    Ah, yes, a true crime connoisseur !! Took me a while to remind this old noggin' about this case. Truly a tragic one, the poor daughter wherever or whatever her fate is now :(((( Casey do be deserving that Please Burn In Hell You Questionable Being Award, that lying ass cold-blooded bin.

    I hope you also have a great day ahead !! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    bibachoro-ok February 7, 2021 1:22 pm
    Yes, for sure, I totally agree with you on this! She seemed to genuinely think that what she was doing was right (which was honestly just big dumb energy HAHAHAHA) and both parents are just canonically idiotas ... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    LMAO yeah a grown man spreading rumours about a 10-year-old girl, like wth, grow some balls and go undermine the emperor or smth.

    And you too, love having some constructive conversations in these comments for a change! <3