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I get why she was the way that she was. Her embracing that sort of reputation was her basi...

Raimey February 6, 2021 9:57 am

I get why she was the way that she was. Her embracing that sort of reputation was her basically saying a giant fuck you. Do you want to believe that this is who I am? Well go ahead. She embraced it because what else was she was supposed to do? Her entire life, her parents didn’t give a fuck about her. I don’t care that her dad came and visited her in New York or whatever the fuck. He didn’t care, his wife didn’t care, his ex-wife didn’t care. No one in her life gave a fuck about her except ML and even then it was at a distance. Oh she was cute and he had a thing for her but it was wrong? I don’t give a shit. The Cousin was a piece of shit, on top of that when he walked into? How was it not obvious what was happening? That’s the thing. They chose not to believe her and I am certain it was more for appearances sake than because of the kind of wild child she was. As someone in that kind of family, it was easier to believe that she seduced the cousin and blame her than acknowledge the truth. She was 18 and left and her father didn’t chase her? So while she had her moments where I rolled my eyes I understood, ultimately, why she was the way she was. ML is no prize here. Not at all. Her lying to him and then telling him that she didn’t want to be a burden, after he knows her feelings of feeling like a burden from childhood to her parents who couldn’t be bothered? And then he demands to get married and gives her no choice and basically has her locked away in a house where he hardly sees her and doesnt take her word that something is wrong? He didn’t care about her, not a lick I don’t care that he went back and decided to stay in New York with her. I came off of this story feeling sympathy for the FL. She lost in every way. He “loves” her? No. My opinion is that he always had a thing for her, she was pregnant and he couldn’t turn her away because reputation and appearance, got her and got to shell out more heirs. She was sad, stupid and easily tricked and that was her ending. Again, my opinion.

    WinnyQueen April 8, 2021 3:24 pm

    She deserve better she deserve a new man. Her parents dont deserve her.