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Chapter 1 is no-no. The uke was raped since he found out the seme's secret. The seme is an...

Yuanyuanyuan February 6, 2021 4:50 am

Chapter 1 is no-no. The uke was raped since he found out the seme's secret. The seme is an ass. Uke should have told the seme's family about what happened. Authors should really understand that no relationship starts from rape.
Chapter 2's uke is a guy who sleeps with anyone and steals from them. Can't trust him.
Chapter 3 is rather relatable. But I won't accept someone who chose marriage and society's morals over me. You picked it, then face the consequences. The uke forgave him too easily. Oh well. What should I expect.
Chapter 4 is the worst. CHEATERS DO NOT DESERVE LOYALTY. NEVER. Uke didn't cheat just once. He does it everytime. Whatever his reasons are, cheating is cheating. Nothing can ever justify it.
Chapter 5 is okay. Realizations. Though I feel bad for the lady.
Chapters 6 and 7 are okay, too. I just hate the ex bf. Like wtf? Trying to ruin your ex's present relationship? Go to hell, you SOB! He even said hurtful things to the seme. I would smack him if I were the kid.

Chapters 3 and 4 ruined this for me.
