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TAKUMI1996 February 5, 2021 10:51 am

No matter how I wanted to take this story a little lighter, I just can't. I don't even know if I could accept Eren's way of ending the world, nor I could supports Levi's team to kill him. What I truly understand is that, Eren and his death, will give benefits to both Marleyans and Eldians. The fact that he could see the future, I assumed that Eren had already seen something worth of his life - something worth dying for.

Anyways, this is just too much to even ponder about. Author-san made it certain to twist the readers mind especially on matters concerning Historia and Eren's rumored child. If that'd be true, wtf. I couldn't imagine how Mikasa would react to that but surely Jean wouldn't just sit back and see his girl hurting. Boy, you go and make him yours already and stop worrying about Pieck. Otherwise, I'd take that seriously. After all, feelings always ignored fades in time. Not to mention that Pieck has this Mikasa's vibe to which suited Jean's type. What the hell am I talking? Haha!

Oh, well.

I'm just here for Levi Ackerman.

    KurooTsukkiStan February 5, 2021 9:58 pm

    I thought pieck was a cute couple with porcini. I think her rational personality suited porco’s arrogance