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Survey says....

Anoni Grrl December 16, 2015 9:53 pm

Imagine you are at home, minding your own business (reading, surfing the net, whatever), when a cute young man appears outside your window (hanging from a rope if necessary). He looks like Aki, and he's making puppy eyes at you and looking back as if someone is after him. You can't stop yourself from opening the window (because I said so). He says something in Japanese which you can't understand (again, I said so) but he looks scared and darts in your bedroom, where he starts to hide. There is a knock at your door. You look through your peephole and see a man who looks like Asami, and he looks irked. "Who is it?" you ask (you speak English--again, my pretend world). He answers in swift, almost desperate Japanese. It seems as if you do not let him in, he may shoot your lock or break the door down. Do you:

A) Try to keep him out and call the police,

B) Let him in but play dumb and hide the cutie.

C) Let him in, point to the bedroom, and turn the video camera on your phone on to make a movie.

D) something else.

    ... December 16, 2015 4:32 pm

    D) I tell him that if he calls Feilong here and lets him in on the fun, I'll tell him where Aki is. And in the meantime I'll probably fetch a video camera.

    Anoni Grrl December 17, 2015 6:27 am
    D) I tell him that if he calls Feilong here and lets him in on the fun, I'll tell him where Aki is. And in the meantime I'll probably fetch a video camera. @...

    So you wouldn't throw yourself on the grenade and offer your body as a distraction to Asami?

    tokidoki December 17, 2015 9:07 am

    I would let Asami in only if he agreed to a threesome ... *smirk* (only in your pretend world of course ...)

    Reality bites December 17, 2015 9:51 am

    D Takaba out the window with his rope. Cue music , Sexy voice, lighting to set the mood you need a real partner someone who knows how to treat a man like you . As I strip and tie him to my bed. the look alike says" I admire strong people who go after what they want". that is in this make believe world, ' cough'.

    Anonymous December 17, 2015 4:27 pm
    D Takaba out the window with his rope. Cue music , Sexy voice, lighting to set the mood you need a real partner someone who knows how to treat a man like you . As I strip and tie him to my bed. the loo... @Reality bites

    That would work. You could hide Aki and then point at the open window when Asami comes so Asami thinks Aki is gone. Then you could comfort Aki using the Yoai logic you described. Aki is so grateful for your attentions. :)

    Anonymous December 17, 2015 4:32 pm
    I would let Asami in only if he agreed to a threesome ... *smirk* (only in your pretend world of course ...) tokidoki

    Totally. My imaginary world works on yoai logic, albeit light yoai logic with at least some feeling and personal attraction to make it work--no Yuri abuse, Sakazaki harassment or shouta. Of course, once I ask the question, you can take it to your world and do whatever you like.

    Anoni Grrl December 17, 2015 4:43 pm
    Totally. My imaginary world works on yoai logic, albeit light yoai logic with at least some feeling and personal attraction to make it work--no Yuri abuse, Sakazaki harassment or shouta. Of course, once I ask t... @Anonymous

    The last two anons were me--I forgot to sign in.

    ... December 17, 2015 5:06 pm
    So you wouldn't throw yourself on the grenade and offer your body as a distraction to Asami? Anoni Grrl

    I doubt he'd want it even if I did. :D