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Chichijk February 3, 2021 7:21 am

He's crazy.. like insane almost joker like, also.. I can't say I feel bad for the those girls since technically they deserved everything he's dishing out. I understand his point of view and how damaged he already is. He's literally insane now with only one thing in his mind that'll give him peace.

This manga isn't for the light of heart or people who get triggered easily, it's not easy to stomach albeit interesting. They're all at fault, the kingdom's higher ups and him but the difference is keyaru has a justifiable reason why he's doing this while they didn't.

If you heard of this manga and have been warned about the contents and don't think you can handle it, don't read it at all. Seriously stay away, it's a bloody revenge prn. If you have a problem with this after you've been thoroughly warned then please address your problems to the artist or the writer or the company instead of shouting at people in the comment boards who expressed their opinions, everyone has different opinions of you didn't realize it. It's all in the summary and the genre list itself, so if you don't like those already then don't read it.

I've read much worse than this, some I couldn't stomach, some downright made me vomit and paranoid but this didn't. It just made me think of how much pain someone had to go through to snap this bad. I'm not saying his actions are right, I'm just saying that I see where he's coming from.
