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The Lion, The Witch and The Audacity of This Bitch

MaddyHat February 3, 2021 1:37 am

(this is me ranting, don't mind it)
I don't like how the duke now suddenly feels as if he is entitled to her choosing him. When he was forced into this engagement he always showed his utter dislike for the FL. So she said lets break the engagement and THATS when the dudes like no wait, maybe I would like her actually. So first he shows his complete hatred and then when she agrees to his wish to break up, he gets feelings. Like fine fall in love idc, BUT DON'T YOU DARE THINK FOR A SECOND THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY YOU'RE GONNA MARRY. YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE NOW MOVE OVER. SHE DIDN'T GIVE A TIME LIMIT BECAUSE SHE HOPED FOR YOU TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER. SHE GAVE YOU A TIME LIMIT TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND AGREE TO BREAKING THE ENGAGEMENT. sorry I just had to get this shit out. Like assassin dude ain't that much better but their relationship was more of convenient lovers beforehand already and both consented to the relationship they had. So rather than doing a 180, he just developed more feelings. Duke here doing summersaults with his feelings. Like just go to the princess and leave the FL out of your drama with the king. You had your moment and flipped a bird at it, now let her go to someone who actually has a whole brain that functions.
