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Well, Im done (ヘ・_・)ヘ

horny_uke February 2, 2021 11:54 am

The whole story is bullshit. First i thought it would be funny how everyone described it. but no its...... its rather pointless. I don't want to read it anymore. It would have been funny if there were really worth something laughing about. But no there was really nothing but Some sexual harassment, rapist, don't give a fuck if you go and fuck other dude or some other dude fuck you, sharing is caring lover or i like to share my lover with every dude yaaa, some expressionless who doesn't even know how to express ily, some no brainier who doesn't even know what is happening to him duh, oh i like you oops sry he is cute i like him more or i can date every cute things and move from one to another etc etc etc Fucking character.

Dude how can this be a funny story no a re-read worth story!? I am already sick after reading vol 4. Rather than laughing or getting some amusement, I was so irritated to read those character's doing or conversation or expression or I just don't know. (눈‸눈)
