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GIRLY NOOOO IM SO CONFUSEDDD. also masahiro and mihiro have such similar names so i always...

velvetkura January 31, 2021 8:11 pm

GIRLY NOOOO IM SO CONFUSEDDD. also masahiro and mihiro have such similar names so i always get them confused lol. literally the only reason i'm keeping up with this is because kou is THE CUTEST FUCKING THING EVER PLEASE DONT HURT HIM and i do not give a shit about anything else i just want kou 2 b happy with mihiro and i hope nobody else will get in the way of their relationship;---; (also im willing to bet kou isnt communicating with mihiro because he's worried that mihiro will hate him if he doesn't just want to have sex because initially that's all mihiro wanted him for.... but that never even happened until they got into a relationship and kou initiated it lol.. but also yeah i'm kinda confused like mihiro obviously cares abt kou a lot and i hope kou will see that and not care abt anyone else's opinions about that uhh but yeah i don't know what to think rn except for kou is wholesome and i want to see him get RAILED more hahahahahahahahahah )
