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Meh. I was a huge fan of Tateno Makoto back in the day, still am really, but this was pret...

Anonymous schnonymous December 8, 2015 2:22 pm

Meh. I was a huge fan of Tateno Makoto back in the day, still am really, but this was pretty bad IMO. I thought some of the clues were pretty interesting, but the police characters so fucking inept and basic that it was hard to take them being actual police officers seriously. And then the Clark Kenting/paper thin disguise/ Team Rocket level of disguise is already a silly trope and always has been. Mixed together with these mentally challenged police officers, and this was just a mess of a manga to me.

    alheab December 9, 2015 2:19 am

    I agree..

    The final 2 chapters were a mess and ruled the whole story. We started with a great framework, a puzzle to Who and Why and What will become of this and that? However, Early one, we knew The who part which was let down but you can ignore this flaw. 2 chapters into the story, we know the Why?.. You skip this because you assume that the end will try to recapture some of the comedic interaction we read in the first 2-3 chapters ... BUT, the strong and focused Kaito turned wimpy and annoying and Out of the blue,good for nothing detective, suddenly turned sharp and alert ...

    narutolvr December 9, 2015 4:55 am

    I can never understand why any manga that takes place in semi-modern times, just disguises a thief with a masquerade mask and let's their hair down (or puts it in a ponytail) and we're supposed to believe no one can put it together? I get that you ignore what's right in front of you but come on! They have pictures of the guy, and you've seen him in person, for pete's sake! At some point, you've got to realize the stature, face shape, hair, and even random habits (if they can be so observant) are the same, right?

    alheab December 9, 2015 6:25 am
    I can never understand why any manga that takes place in semi-modern times, just disguises a thief with a masquerade mask and let's their hair down (or puts it in a ponytail) and we're supposed to believe no on... narutolvr

    Do your remember He-Man .. Surely, somebody in the kingdom after 100 episodes figured that He-man and Prince Adam are one person ! What evidence they need.. Same Face, same hair style and even same voice!

    narutolvr December 9, 2015 6:36 am
    Do your remember He-Man .. Surely, somebody in the kingdom after 100 episodes figured that He-man and Prince Adam are one person ! What evidence they need.. Same Face, same hair style and even same voice! alheab

    haha don't even remind me! But at least that was aimed for kids- they had to make it easy. I really hope no children are reading this...

    alheab December 9, 2015 7:19 am
    haha don't even remind me! But at least that was aimed for kids- they had to make it easy. I really hope no children are reading this... narutolvr

    The fascination of that masked -Zooro-Like- savior is alluring to some publishers. In spite of the repetitive nature of these story lines, there is an audience for them.

    Regrading the children comment, Don’t underestimate them, children at this age are scarier than adults!

    narutolvr December 9, 2015 7:32 am
    The fascination of that masked -Zooro-Like- savior is alluring to some publishers. In spite of the repetitive nature of these story lines, there is an audience for them.Regrading the children comment, Don’t u... alheab
