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I LOVE the first story as much as I HATE the second story. If you're gonna change a fundam...

Persephone December 7, 2015 2:45 am

I LOVE the first story as much as I HATE the second story. If you're gonna change a fundamental part of yourself at least do it for your own sake. What Mimi feels Kaoru is closer to hero worship than love. And Kaoru can't love a (trans) woman. Realistically, I can't see their relationship progress further than casual sex unless something change. Mimi should dump Kaoru for Master. Master seems smitten. He sent Mimi flowers and put up with Mimi mooning over Kaoru on working hours. More importantly Master can accept Mimi's true self.

    Anonymous March 21, 2016 11:11 pm

    yes, but the heart wants what it whants... it´s lovely and sad , and sad and lovely. To know If their paths unite and both grow together or if they only cross, we need moaare