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Feel we are just ignoring the flaws in this chapter, because it's not your cliche problema...

Anonymous January 28, 2021 4:10 pm

Feel we are just ignoring the flaws in this chapter, because it's not your cliche problematic "love is an illusion" type of omegaverse. The Alpha character basically showed that he felt entitled to his husband's body to the extent this chapter came off like rape. The Alpha also makes remarks like not wanting to take suppressants to control himself "in his own home", as if decency and boundaries are left at the door. Yeah, it was a cute baby and all, but the Alpha basically raping his husband, and the Omega being perved on whenever he goes at was a sour end. Feeling jealous that the omega was giving attention to the baby and not him, mate he's just had a c-section and feeding a baby 24/7... go deal with your dick by yourself and give the man a rest.
