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I feel sorry for her, she's likely going to get pressured into having kids with him too an...

Anonymous January 28, 2021 4:11 am

I feel sorry for her, she's likely going to get pressured into having kids with him too and will be even more dependent and "stuck". She really shouldn't have married the first guy she ever dated, especially when her life changed so much during their early years. The marriage is literally stagnating her life and her husband isn't even affectionate, he just orders her about like she's a petulant tween. She had a job, friends, family and a feeling of home in Tokyo and he didn't care, he was going off to Osaka whether she liked it or not, and he expected her to join him. The FL has given up so much for this guy just because she feels this is what she has to do as a woman, girlfriend and now wife. This is too depressing to continue, maybe if she divorces the guy and returns to Tokyo to rebuild HER life it will be worthwhile to pick up again. If you want a POSITIVE story that challenges women's expectations in straight relationships then would recommend "Will I be single forever" manga.
