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Wait they have a kid?!?! Whhaaaatt Also this is the first time I’m seeing breastfeeding...

Ayumi13 January 27, 2021 8:05 pm

Wait they have a kid?!?! Whhaaaatt

Also this is the first time I’m seeing breastfeeding in male omega, couldn’t we get a cute moment of that!

    Misaki February 3, 2021 9:17 am

    I was surprise to see a breastfeeding male Omega for the first time too. I was like this is new for me. I didn't know he had milk in those jugs of his, but why am I surprise? He always had big tits for a man lol... x'D

    Ayumi13 February 3, 2021 5:06 pm
    I was surprise to see a breastfeeding male Omega for the first time too. I was like this is new for me. I didn't know he had milk in those jugs of his, but why am I surprise? He always had big tits for a man lo... Misaki

    Lmao treuuuee I’m like.. no wonder, he was storing milk!