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so and what happend with the cat? did yukito really kill it? somehow i'm really confused..

Rinchin November 29, 2015 6:45 pm

so and what happend with the cat? did yukito really kill it? somehow i'm really confused..

    smallc0756 November 30, 2015 3:59 am

    No the cat died so he hid it from his brother so he wouldn't feel sad or cry.

    smallc0756 November 30, 2015 4:02 am
    No the cat died so he hid it from his brother so he wouldn't feel sad or cry. smallc0756

    Ch.6 pg.14-16

    Anonymous November 30, 2015 6:20 am
    No the cat died so he hid it from his brother so he wouldn't feel sad or cry. smallc0756

    His hands were covered with blood. I think Yukito killed the cat.

    smallc0756 December 3, 2015 4:16 am
    His hands were covered with blood. I think Yukito killed the cat. @Anonymous

    If the cat was really that sick in can cough up blood before it dies. That's what happened to a cat I knew when I was 10 it coughed up blood and we went to take it to the vet and they died before we got there . I think there's a 50/50.

    Nanase12 January 29, 2016 1:49 am

    I think we're leaving out the "hit by a car" option. Yukito may have gone to find the cat and found it dead near the road. He probably buried it quickly so Kuruto wouldn't see it, hence the blood on his hands.