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Can someone spoil this for me?

Vampirediarrhea January 27, 2021 6:43 am

Can someone spoil this for me?

    scarlet February 1, 2021 9:00 am

    the main plot twist is the maid lead is actually a ‘false’ so he can only lie, therefore everything he has been saying to the main character (i love you, i will never leave you) was all a lie. you can “steal” other people’s ability (truth - main population, can only tell the truth, dare - can lie and tell the truth, which is what our main character is, and false - can only lie aka our main lead) and the main lead was just using the main character to steal his ability (to tell the truth but also be able to lie) so he and his sister could escape from their abusive father. there’s a lot of plot but there’s a happy ending despite the betrayal and they learn to love each other and have a healthy relationship! anyone correct me if I’m wrong!